Budova Avtomata Ak 47
Posted November 29, 2018 in AK-47 / AK-74 / Everything AK, Editorial by Hrachya H with No Comments Tags: 6P70, 6P71, ak-12, ak-15, GRAU, Kalashnikov AK-12 and AK-15 rifles were adopted by the Russian military at the beginning of the current year. The AK-47 Kalashnikov series assault rifles. Great Britain: Osprey Publishing. • ↑ Jones, Richard D. Jane’s Infantry Weapons 2009/2010.
The Kalashnikov AK-47 has been in all conflict in Africa since the 1950’s. The reputation of the AK-47 was depicted in the Nicholas Cage movie ‘Lord of War’. Mozambique even went further and immortalized it on their flag. A rifle of choice for rebels, terrorists, drug lords and gangsters alike.
This singular firearm has seen the rise and fall of African empires, dictators and nations from the North down to the South. Virtually everyone in Africa has heard about it and it symbolizes either a tool for self-defense, oppression or liberation depending on the welder.
The AK-47 has seen battles from the urban cities to the dense Central African jungles, the harsh North African desert down to the Southern Savannah. The former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat was assassinated by an AK-47 welding Islamic jihadists, Ugandan president Idi Amin secured his life presidency by arming his troops with the AK-47. Kalashnikov welding poachers defend their booty against border patrols,– themselves armed with the AK-47. Nations have fought each with the Kalashnikov used on both sides. Most African militaries are underfunded and so the AK-47 is a good choice. What makes this particular assault rifle so successful in the African continent? A Nigerian soldier posing with an Ak-47 rifle Since research showed that most firefights happen within 400 meters and that contemporary rifles were over-powered for most small arms combat African Military Blog unravels the mystery behind the popularity of the AK-47s rifle in Africa.
Ibrahim from Uganda 77th Infantry BN, 2nd division The AK-47’s is very simple to operate and it can handle a rough treatment. The conditions during combat or training is difficult so the AK can handle it.
Also, it was made to be reliable and easy to repair. The rifle was designed to be easy to use, easy to repair, and reliable.
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Some soldiers are not disciplined and so they don’t maintain their rifle but the AK is very rugged which is good for dirty environment. The way it works is simple so it doesn’t jam easily. Some AK-47s can have a service life of more than 40 years if kept in a good condition. Corporal Iheanachi C.
Emmanuel Nigerian Mobile Police Force (MOPOL) Since I have been given the AK-47 rifle I have not had trouble using the gun. Me and my unit has been using ours for the past six years and counting and yet it is still reliable and working perfectly fine. A brief history of the Avtomat Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault rifle Mikhail Kalashnikov on the drawing board designing the AK-47 rifle Mikhail Kalashnikov few weeks before his death during a high-profile speech. There are more Kalashnikov rifles or its variants in the world than all other assault rifles combined. More than 50 countries produce the rifle either legally or otherwise with China (Type-56) at the top. The international average price of a Kalashnikov rifle or its alternative is about $500 although in Africa, the price is relatively cheaper especially in a conflict zones since the supply is abundant. In 2005, the editor of the book ‘illicit’ Moises Naim revealed that a village in Kenya, an AK-47 cost 15 cows in 1986.
Nineteen years later the price had crashed to just four cows. It is said that in Rwanda, during the civil war a buyer could purchase a good Kalashnikov at the price of a healthy chicken.
The AK-47 Specification. The 7.62 x 39mm round has a high penetrating power When fired, the AK-47 can penetrate a wide range of objects such as vehicles, walls and personal armor.
It’s excellent gas operated system and impressive rate of fire can shoot a stream of lethal 7.62 x 39mm bullets, the 7.62 x 39mm is a lethal caliber which is devastating to the human body. The bullet exit generates a large hole. The AK’s rounds are more powerful and more likely to kill you than the 5.56 NATO used by the M16 rifle due to their higher kinetic energy, higher calibre, and it depend less on velocity-affected yawing and tumbling effects. Although, the rounds also weigh more than the 5.56 Reliability The Avtomata Kalashnikova AK-47 assault rifle can be operated in difficult environment like in muddy, dusty or wet jungles without fear of equipment failures. It rarely jams (This is not to say that AKs never jam; just they don’t this as much as most other comparable weapons would in the circumstances.) This is mostly attributed to its simple design and operating mechanism. During the Vietnam war, Vietcongs would emerge from their tunnel hideout covered from head to toe in mud and dirty and yet they scurry out Kalashnikov blazing while US marine soldiers who have been exposed to the dust generated by a nearby helicopter landing usually suffers gun malfunction.