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TRADUCAO DO INICIO EM INGLES MY INDEPENDENCE DAY: Everything to Declare – it’s a long goodbye New York- Dearest ones: I’ve come to a crucial point in my life. Actually, ‘THE’ most crucial to date. A pedestrian crossing without the white stripes, an “Empty Space” cluttered with junk, an asterisk. 5 literaturnih proizvedenij v nazvanii kotorih vstrechayutsya imena. I’ve been in it for a while and have realized that moaning and groaning from the cradle to the grave simply doesn’t help. So, I made a decision. “Transform the world: Wake up every morning and change the world”, a soft voice used to whisper into my ear.
It was that of Julian Beck, whom I directed in his final show and from whom I learned so much. Yes,I used to have a vague idea or notion of things.
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Yet, I can’t find them anymore. Don’t seem capable of even knowing of where they are any longer. All I can see, eyes open or shut, is that self portrait by Rembrandt, hanging in Amsterdam, staring right at me; he at the age of 55 and I at the same age. Him on one side of a timezone/era as if trying to tell me, or as if WE are trying to tell one another that my Renaiscence is over, finished, and that I’m dead. I can’t go on.
And I won’t go on. Beckett, the one whose universe I’m so very close to, would have said: “but I will go on”. Yes, I do realize the necessity of a continuance, continuity, progression, of a forward movement. However, I look around and ask myself (in less than a subtle way.”continue what?” if I haven’t really started anything!!!! There isn’t – on my turf (or terminology) that much to be continued.
My life on stage, as such, is finished. And it is so because I have determined that it has perished. I do not believe that our times reflect theater as a whole (or vice versa) and I certainly don’t have the patience to create the iTheatre, as if it were the extention of the iPhone or the iPod and so on. These miniatures and gadgets of self satisfaction do, indeed, fit extremely well the decadent present days of, well, self satisfaction. Pardon me for writing in loops but this is a reflection of the times. But art and creativity? If one were to analize, say, this or that person’s last movie or CD or choreography we’ll only come to realize that it has all become a mere and smaller repetition of what once had the taste of the new and of the, say, “good”.
Of course, it’s known that my dramaturgical option has always been on the dark side. From Beckett to Kafka to my own nightmaresa New York Times critic once wrote “that I used the audience as my therapist”. So, I decided to opt for putting Freud center stage right in the middle of Tristan in the Rio Opera House. I guess everyone knows what the outcome was.
Overview Bakugan Battle Brawlers is the multi-platform video game tie-in into the popular Japanese Action adventure cartoon of the same name. It is a thematic hybrid between a card battle cartoon (e.g., Yu-Gi-Oh) and a creature collecting/battle cartoon (e.g., Pokemon, Digimon). Bakugan Battle Brawlers - Defenders of the Core XBOX 360 Game ISO Download (PAL) (NTSC). Bakugan Battle Brawlers region free iso, game xbox Jtag-rgh, torrent game xbox 360, xbox pal, xbox ntsc-u, game xbox ntsc-j, xbox xbla arcade. Description: Bakugan Battle Brawlers is the stunning new video game based on the #1 toy and animated series. Set your Gate card then throw a Bakugan into huge, interactive battlefields. Steer the Bakugan to discover secret areas, collect power-ups and gain the edge! Bakugan battle game.
What seems strange is that, up to 2003 or, even, 2005, it made sense to put things on stage or to stage pieces. I cannot, for the world, describe with any sort of precision what has changed. But something has.
Of course, needless to say, we are political beings. But this shouldn’t mean that our obsession (as artists) should contain ONE political agenda. Au contraire. If there is something called art, it’s there precisely to bridge the gaps left over between that which politicians can’t say (or are unable to say) and our need to find ways to survive (by destroying or constructing). Art as metaphor, art as replica, art as illustration or art as protest; art has always required analogies and fantasy between modern man and that of yesteryear. Daniel Barenboim, who was born Argentinean (but is a citizen of the world) and carries an Israeli passport, found a way to ‘apply’ his art to the practical, political world. He’s been trying, since 2004, to promote peace between Palestinians and Israelis through music, In his acceptance speech, during the Wolf Prize Cerimony at the Knesset, he said that his life seemed only validated if he could, somehow, liberate those who were confined (Palestinians who were beginning to be surrounded by a WALL built by Israel) and Isrealis alike.