Game Petualangan Naruto Shippuden Pc Download
AdventureMode Pic01.jpg In Adventure Mode, you explore the Naruto world as the titular character, while collecting things, fighting and helping others. There is a main quest line that follows Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura and takes you to a different locations on the World Map that's called Trail of the Gale. You have to do these in order to unlock the sidequests, which enable you to gain more Ryo and ninja items used in the Bandai Store to purchase outfits, Ninja Info Card customizations, finish cut-ins and more.
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Main Quests [ ] Listed below are the main quests for the story in Adventure Mode. You can complete these quests by going to the specified locations and speaking with certain characters.
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Some of these quests require you to win a memory battle against the computer, a fight that recounts a previous event in the Naruto storyline. Completing main quest rewards you with Ninja Treasures, Ryo, and helps you progress the main story. QUEST HOW TO COMPLETE REWARDS Departure Go to the Hidden Sand Village and deliver Kakashi's letter to Gaara. N/A Naruto's Personal Letter Delivery Win the memory battle against Gaara, after the start of the Hidden Sand Village.
6000 Ryo, Gold Anbu Mask x10 A Job for Sakura Go to Land of Waves and win the memory battle against Haku. 7000 Ryo, Gold Ninja Blade x10 The Search for Tsunade Go to the Hidden Cloud Village and walk to the Raikage's room entrance. You will encounter Shizune on your way. Once you make it to the entrance, you will find Tsunade healing people. Talk to her then go attempt to leave the Cloud Village. 8000 Ryo, Platinum Shuriken x10 Memories of the Valley Win the memory battle against Sasuke in The Final Valley.
9000 Ryo, Platinum x10 Dancing Wind Return back to the Hidden Leaf Village. AdventureMode Pic06.jpg Side Quests [ ] QUEST HOW TO COMPLETE REWARDS Hot-Blooded Network After speaking with Might Guy, visit the locations of the Hot-Blooded disciples (marked on map) and defeat them all.
The disciple gets 10%+ attack and defence for every number they are down the list.(10 gets 100%+, 5 gets 50%+, etc.) 30000 Ryo, Ninja Treasure All-Types Pack x20 The 50 Ninja Tasks Visit Ebisu in the Leaf Village and talk to him about the tasks he's working on for his students. Complete any 15 of them then go back to him to finish the mission.
100000 Ryo, Ninja Treasure Gold Pack X3 A Journey to Collect Memories Visit Killer Bee in the Leaf Village and find all of the Memory Fragments in each location. The memory fragments are marked off on your map, so they're easy to find. (You do not need to fill the fragments by completing the mission inside, only obtain them.) 7500 Ryo, Ninja Treasure All-Types Pack x10 The Hidden Leaf Stands Talk with Iruka to investigate what's wrong with Konohamaru. Go to Konohamaru, talk to him and agree to fight. Defeat Konohamaru to finish the quest. 5000 Ryo, Gold Kunai x10 The Waves of the New Generation Speak with Iruka in the Leaf Village and defeat him in battle.