Google Maps For Windows Ce 60 Download
Google Maps For Windows Ce 6.0 Download Rating: 8,0/10 9350votes Salut, Am o navigatie dedicata instalata pe un Elantra 2012. Sistemul ruleaza Windows CE 6.0. Nu am insa acces la setarile OS, tot ce imi permite este sa aleg executabilul aplicatiei pe care vreau sa o rulez de pe cardul SD (deci nu pot instala nimic). Astfel pot rula igo.exe, opera.exe, totalcomander.exe.
Sistemul are si internet prin 3G. Scopul final este de a folosi pentru navigatie Google Maps (informatiile de trafic sunt foarte utile). Fisierele de tip GoogleMaps.cab nu le pot instala. Am incercat sa instalez pe un PDA cu Windows Mobile 6.0 aplicatia Google Maps si sa ii copiez folderul din Program Files, insa nu merge deschisa.
Pe PDA aplicatia merge foarte ok. Din ce vad instalarea scrie si prin registrii. Cand incerc sa lansez GoogleMaps.exe pe navigatie nu face nimic, nici macar eroare nu da. Is there any Windows CE navigation software that uses OSM data? Igo primo wince free download Share.
The version of the browser you are using is no longer supported. Nov 11, 2010 INSTALLING GOOGLE MAPS IN WINCE.
I want to install google maps in wince 5.0.How can i. Unless you can actually find a Google Maps for Windows CE.
Aveti ceva sfaturi? Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete software list General information Name Screenshot Display map Navigate Make track Monitor License Price Languages Version Description yes no yes yes nonfreeproprietary 0! 2012-/04/06 Feature rich Amateur Radio Automatic Packet Reporting System client that uses OSM tiles as the base map. Under active development with rapid development release cycle. yes no no no Apache License 2.0 0!
Free En 2014-03-07 10.2 Allows users to download, edit, and upload OSM data in ArcMap, and/or create feature services based on OSM data in ArcGIS Server yes yes no yes nonfreeproprietary nonfree 0015! 15€ EN; RU; UA; BY; KZ; UZ 2011-03-10 1.0.31970 Easy and nice UI, web-like search, routing, navigation.
OSM support: yes yes yes. Nonfreeproprietary nonfreeFree DE; EN; CS; NL; FR; EL; HU; IT; PL; PT; RO; RU; SK; ES; TR; UK 2013-11-13 3.9.26385 Offline multi-language voice navigation app with lane-guidance assistant. Data from OSM and propietary maps.
Driver pico 2000 windows 7. yes no no yes nonfreeproprietary 0! Free EN 2008-08-08 yes no no no nonfreeproprietary 0!
Free EN 2009-06-01 0.9.6 Marine mapping app for bluemappia.com no no yes yes GPL 0! Free DE; EN 2010-08-13 2.x.1769 MTK GPS chip sets only! yes yes no no GPL 0!
Free EN 2010-08-22 500 Geocaching centered yes no no no nonfreeProprietary 0! Fork of RoadMap yes no yes yes nonfreeproprietary nonfree 0020! 2010-07-07 2.37 Sport focused logger yes yes yes yes nonfreeproprietary 0! 2012-09-07 2.73 TurboGPS is a fast all in one GPS tool. Moving maps custom or online, tracks, way points. yes no no no Artistic License;GPL 0! Free EN 2011-22-03 Display for several map sources like OSM, Yahoo and others.
Desktop version requires.NET-Framework 2.0 or newer, tested with MONO-framework under Linux and MacOS yes no no no nonfreeproprietary 0! Free EN 0000-00-00! This table is generated automatically by a bot. Do not edit it manually. Data Logging A number of programs are available for collecting GPS tracks: Free Software/Open Source • ( ) Garmin and raster (including OSM: Mapnik preconfigured, other raster maps can be configured) maps support, Windows smartphone, PDA and desktop support, track logs. (BSD license) • Displays current position on a OSM based map. Records track data in NMEA format.
I want to install google maps in wince 5.0.How can i give inputs to it [latitude and longitude]. Iam on a mission.Pls help. Thanks and Regards. Related Searches for gps maps for windows ce 6.0: gps maps for windows ce6.0 7 gps maps for windows ce. Gps Tracker Google Maps. Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain.
(GPL) • () Windows Mobile (PDA and smartphone) free and open source client for bluemapia.com. GPS Chart Navigator for outdoor activities supporting several maps including OSM.
Records track data in NMEA and GPX format. (GPL) • (GPLv3, PocketPC and SmartPhone) • (GPLv3) to talk to MTK loggers - possibility to log special waypoints on 'Mobile Platforms' like the PDA and the Java Phone. • (BSD) Displays OSM tiles, with nodes / ways overlaid. Currently can edit way name tag / split ways and upload back to server. Development has started again and merged some of the features from RoadMap Editor. Support for OSM is ongoing, no route planning yet (GPL >=v2 license).
Not yet available as a download for window mobile. • () - based on Roadmap sources, still in development by Ehud Shabtai, available for Linux/GTK2, Windows mobile, Windows XP and Java ME devices, localization possible through plain-text language file, route planning, built in map editor.