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Contents [] Summary The conditions for suras to develop to the next stage vary (e.g. Rage, jealousy, vengeance, desire for domination), but most are combat-related. For whichever condition, suras must obtain both experience and a key in order to develop. As an example, if a sura's condition is 'survival instinct,' a simple threat on its life will not trigger development, but will instead become accumulated experience, up to a specific level (which is greater for those with stronger potential). Once it meets the required experience, then the 'key to growth' comes into play, which is an experience more intense than previously encountered; this will trigger development to the next stage. Explains that his key to developing to 3rd stage was becoming upset that was growing faster than him.
However, this key was only possible due to the experience he had already accumulated, i.e. The times he became angry over 's faster development to 3rd and 4th stages. Even though his own development to 3rd stage took an inordinate length of time, his situation was not nearly as bad as that of suras whose development simply stalled, such as in the case of, because they are unable to find a key since their past experiences were too intense to surpass. On the other hand,, whose development to 5th stage was the fastest among all clans, had a relatively normal, quiet life. Like with many suras, she did not expect to grow beyond 4th stage, but then something unusual happened to trigger her 5th-stage development rather abruptly. Maruna complains to Samphati that fighting her would be one-sided, and it would be like his beatings from all over again. If his 4th-stage condition happens to be survival instinct, how could she possibly be more threatening than he was?
Samphati mutters to herself that he can only gain experience and the key in human form. An irked Maruna says he already knows this because of Gandharva. Samphati then says that his required experience will be quite high, but their time is short, so she will push him with no time to rest. Maruna balks at this, but she says she will use recovery transcendentals, unlike Gandharva who did not bother, and his only opportunity for rest will be when her vigor runs out. She then proceeds to blast him. The total amount vigor of 5th-stage is much higher than those at 4th stage.