Nostale Mini Game Bot Program
This Bot is designed for the Quarry (Rock Mining Game) and it was set to a Windowed Client.So basically you'll just have to replace the x & y coordinates for the pixel watching and you'll be fine.But Test this and see how it works! *Also this is for Nostale UK so you'll maybe have to change the WinGetHandle('Nostale') piece. Exp-Bot and Multihack v1.4 nostale game! And the game gets better! Play Game Hacker Working hacks and games The best hacks and games! Through this program. May 18, 2017 Even the scrooges will smile at 3 free months of ad-free music with YouTube Red. Programma sbrosa pampersa canon mg2440 ink.
As i've stated i do not speak German but i Believe you are 'asking' about a MiniGame Bot. I haven't finished it yet since it sometime will miss it's attacks however it does work, and i think it's my RAM that make it not work 100% cause when i run it my Nostale client kinda slows down a bit and appears laggy.So if you have good RAM then this should run 100% with a little bit of editing of course. This Bot is designed for the Quarry (Rock Mining Game) and it was set to a Windowed Client.So basically you'll just have to replace the x & y coordinates for the pixel watching and you'll be fine.But Test this and see how it works! *Also this is for Nostale UK so you'll maybe have to change the WinGetHandle('Nostale') piece.