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• de Vries, M.I.; Cundy, M.R. 1990-01-01 Results are reported from hardness measurements, tensile tests and fracture mechanics experiments (fatigue crack growth and fracture toughness) on 5154 aluminum specimens fabricated from remnants of the old HFR core box. The specimen material was exposed to a maximum thermal neutron fluence of 7.5 * 10 26 n/m 2 (E 26 n/m 2, but with a thermal to fast neutron ratio of about 4, shows more radiation hardening: 67HR15N, 0.2 - yield strength 580 MPa and 1.5% total elongation. Fatigue crack growth rates range from 5 * 10 -5 mm/cycle to 10 -3 mm/cycle for ΔK ranging from 8 to 20 MPa√m. The most highly exposed (7.5 * 10 26 n/m 2 ) materials shows accelerated fatigue crack growth due to unstable crack extension at ΔK of about 15 MPa√m. The lowermost meaningful measure of plane strain fracture toughness is 18 MPa√m. Except for the fracture toughness, which is a factor of about 3 higher, the results show reasonable agreement with the expected mechanical properties estimated in the 'safe end-of-life' assessment of the old HFR vessel • K.A.
Sudjatmi 2015-03-01 Full Text Available Sejalan dengan perkembangan konsep keselamatan pasif pada sistem keselamatan PLTN, maka sistem perpindahan panas konveksi alam memegang peranan penting. Pemakaian nanofluid sebagai fluida pendingin pada sistem keselamatan nuklir dapat digunakan pada Sistem Pendingin Teras Darurat dan Sistem Pendingin Pengungkung Luar Reaktor. Beberapa peneliti telah melakukan studi desain konseptual aplikasi nanofluid untuk meningkatkan keselamatan AP1000 dan sistem pendingin teras darurat pada reaktor daya eksperimen. Penerapan nanofluida juga mulai dikembangkan melalui hasil penelitian perpindahan panas konveksi alamiah pada sub-buluh dengan nanofluida sebagai fluida kerjanya sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh perubahan konsentrasi ZrO2 terhadap korelasi perpindahan panas konveksi alamiah dengan pendekatan eksperimental.
Data eksperimental yang diperoleh digunakan untuk mengembangkan korelasi umum empirik perpindahan panas konveksi alamiah. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan alat uji sub-buluh vertikal dengan geometri segitiga dan segiempat menggunakan air dan nanofluida air-ZrO2 sebagai fluida kerjanya. Konsentrasi nanopartikel dalam larutan yang digunakan sebesar 0,05%, 0,10% dan 0,15% dalam persen berat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa untuk bilangan Rayleigh yang sama, kemampuan pemindahan kalor oleh nanofluida air-ZrO2 lebih baik dari pada pemindahan kalor oleh air. Namun peningkatan konsentrasi nanofluida tidak selalu mendapatkan kemampuan pemindahan kalor yang lebih baik.
Kata kunci: nanofluida air-ZrO2, konveksi alamiah, sub-buluh segitiga, sub-buluh segi segiempat In line with the development of the passive safety concept for the safety systems of nuclear power plants, the natural convection heat transfer system plays an important role. The nanofluid as coolant fluid on nuclear safety system can be used in Emergency core cooling system and in reactor coolant system confinement.
Several researchers have • Milosevic, D et al. [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro) 1973-12-15 During 1973, RA reactor was operated at nominal power for 4687 hours and 54 hours at lower power levels.
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The total production was 30504 MWh which is 1.6% higher than planned. Practically there was no discrepancies from the plan, since the action plan was corrected at the beginning of this year caused by the demand of changing the schedule for refuelling for the purpose of 'power excursion' experiment.
The reactor was used for irradiation and experiments according to the demand of 336 users. This report contains detailed data about reactor power and experiments performed in 1973. Total number safety shutdowns was 12, of which 7 were caused by power cuts. Three shutdowns caused by failures of the equipment were caused by failures of new electronic tubes. Two shutdowns were caused by the operators. There have been three shorter interruptions announced power cuts.
Total personnel exposure dose was lower than during previous years. There were no accidents during this year.
Decontamination of surfaces was less than during previous years. Practically there was no surface contamination, and the quantity of collected radioactive waste was lower than previously.
There were no liquid radioactive effluents. It was concluded that the successful operation in 1973 has a special significance taking into account the financial crisis. There still remains a number of unsolved problems related to: completing the inventory of spare parts, exchange of some elements of the equipment, exchange of instrumentation, and purchase of the highly enriched fuel. [Serbo-Croat] Reaktor RA je u 1973. Godini radio na nominalnoj snazi 4687 sati i 54 sata na manjim snagama.