Star Trek Bridge Commander Patch Deutsch Englisch
Star trek bridge commander free download - Star Trek Bridge Commander demo, Star Trek Bridge Commander Enemies of Life Expansion Mod, Star Trek Fleet Command, and many more programs. This is the latest official patch for Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Post a comment. Sign in or join with: Only registered members can share their thoughts. Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right) and join in the.
Overview With the Dominion War now over and the Federation's place in the Delta Quadrant firmly established, many of the participants are still licking their wounds while the stability of the region is still questionable. For Cardassia's part in the war, the Federation and its allies have demanded the Cardassian's disband their fleet and cease production of military weapons but some still fear hidden fleets are being compiled and are insisting on more severe punishments against Cardassia. That's far from the end of the political problems plaguing the region unfortunately as the Klingons, Romulans, and the Federation are still working out the kinks in their new relationships (or lack of).
Starts with an accident surrounding an area bordering Federation, Romulan, and Cardassian space. C5 window height adjustment. This region called the Maelstrom is mainly known for its inhospitable climate and although the borders surrounding it aren't clearly defined, rarely is there a confrontation due to its lack of appeal. With Federation scientists longing to study the phenomena, technology has finally advanced for terraforming to progress and a science station to be placed there. As first officer on a galaxy class starship, you begin by watching your captain get annihilated as a star goes super nova while he attempts to re-supply the engineers terraforming the planet.
As you assume command and clear out before you too are destroyed, others also take notice and wonder, as does the Federation, at the cause of the sudden super nova. Star Trek Bridge Commander is a flight simulator that attempts to capture the feel of these colossal starships as they engage enemies and fly through space. With most past attempts allowing the ships to feel more like small fighters, Bridge Commander stays true to the Star Trek universe and creates a system that accurately displays the maneuverability and tactical abilities of these giant battleships. Gameplay, Controls, Interface Star Trek has always been different from other sci-fi universes in the fact that these massive starships are the main line of defense. Others like and most space simulators use small fighters as their primary weapon of choice, which are highly maneuverable and often extremely deadly.
In the past, most Star Trek simulators ended up with colossal starships that flew like small fighters often disregarding the combat style and dependence on tactics that both the movies and television series showed. Finally however, a game has been created that understands the physics of these massive starships and the movement they would be capable of.
Instead of having the maneuverability of an F-15, they now move more like battleships, where having a battle plan becomes critical and protecting damaged portions of the ship or inflicting damage to specific areas of the enemy's ship become crucial. It can take one careless turn and the enemy will swing around to a weakened area of your shields and cause a serious amount of damage. If you're not familiar with the Star Trek series, the starships really do act similar to battleships. On the starships the main weapon of choice is the phaser. Each phaser has a firing arc that allows a certain range of attack.