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App Version 3.0 Last Updated Jul 15, 2018 Apk Size 3MB App by Price Free Category Content Rating 4.5 Support Android Version Android 4.0.3 and up App Package com.uzbek.sevgi Min Android 4.0.3、4.0.4 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1) Target 26 Screens small, normal, large, xlarge Densities 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534 MD5 831805388A3B9679774CFD6D86749888 Signature 64C58C5C3BFA8D2F634ADDD98A8162 SHA256 CDF307A6AFBE26D43ACEF1CADDC1B9B49AF6170B2676C0192FC3B727B8E00C63 Organization Google Inc. Locality Mountain View Country US User Features Touchscreen hardware features: The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system. ROOT Not required Offers In-App Purchase No Support Languages ca, da, fa, ja, ka, pa, ta, nb, be, de, ne, te, af, bg, th, fi, hi, si, vi, kk, mk, sk, uk, el, gl, ml, nl, pl, sl, tl, am, km, bn, in, kn, mn, ko, lo, ro, sq, ar, fr, hr, mr, sr, tr, ur, bs, cs, es, is, ms, et, it, lt, pt, eu, gu, hu, ru, zu, lv, sv, iw, sw, hy, ky, my, az, uz, fr_CA, en_GB, zh_HK, zh_CN, en_IN, pt_BR, es_US, pt_PT, en_AU, zh_TW Get it on Google Play. Edit Review: Sevgi haqida she'rlar is a Books & Reference app developed by info apps.
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