Billing Software Source Code In Vb6 Array Statement
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I need to write a code that would allow users to enter a quantity, and cost. Then have it calculate the price. But my calculation is wrong. Im new to this but this is what I have and its not working. Ublic Class frmmain Private frmmain As Decimal Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click Dim decPrice(9) As Double Dim txtQuantity As Integer txtTotal = decPrice * txtQuantity End Sub Private Sub txtTotal_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtTotal.TextChanged Dim txtQuantity As Integer Dim decPrice As Integer txtTotal = txtQuantity * decPrice(10) End Sub.
Create a program that allows users to enter an item code, a quantity, and a cost per item for an order and outputs the total for the order. You need to: • Write the declaration for the data structures you will use to store the data. Unfortunately, your task list has left out the logical starting point, which is to design a form in a way that allows those procedures to be carried out.
The user needs to enter an item code, a quantity and a cost. So you will need a text box for each of those. These will be txtItem, txtQuantity and txtPrice.
You could also have a text box to dsplay a total - txtTotal. If the user is going to do this up to ten times you need a button for the user to say 'here is the information for one item'.
It does what I think yo are trying to do witht he TextChanged event. This is btnCalculate. You should also let the user know what they have done so far - I would recommend a list box - ListBox1 in this example. You also might need a button for the user to say 'That's the end of the order' (although you could display a continuous update (as in this example), so there's no need for that). You will need a structure for each line of the order.
I assume you have done structures already, although your instructions might have used that term somewhat loosely. A structure for the order line looks like this: Private Structure OrderLine Dim LineItem As String Dim LineQuantity As Integer Dim LinePrice As Decimal Public Sub New(ByVal Item As String, ByVal Quantity As Integer, ByVal Price As Decimal) LineItem = Item LineQuantity = Quantity LinePrice = Price End Sub Public Overloads Function ToString() As String Return LineItem & ' ' & LinePrice.ToString _ & ' ' & LineQuantity.ToString _ & ' ' & (LinePrice * CDec(LineQuantity)).ToString End Function End Structure Note how I have declared a constructor (the New sub) for the structure, and a ToString. These aren't strictly needed, but they are included here to show how using a structure can simplify your code. Now you need to get the user input.
This happens in the button click event for the 'here is the information for one item' button. The item code is simply a string, so it's easy. The others must be checked to ensure they are valid. I need to write a code that would allow users to enter a quantity, and cost. Then have it calculate the price. But my calculation is wrong.