How To Crack Team Fortress 2 Lan Without Steam
If you have a firewall, make sure you have all the correct ports open. TF2 SRCDS uses the following ports by default: • UDP 27015 - Clients send queries for info about your server on this port. Adjustable using -port • TCP 27015 - RCON (Remote Console) uses this port.

Adjustable using -port (it's always the same port as the previous port) • UDP 27005 - Clients connect to the game on this port. Adjustable using -clientport • UDP 27025 - SRCDS binds this port for SourceTV (even if you don't have SourceTV on) unless you specify -nohltv. Adjustable using +tv_port • UDP 26901 - The server talks to Steam's servers on this port. Adjustable using -sport, although it actually uses the port one higher than you specify (default is 26900). By the sound of it, port 26901 is being blocked.
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