Purin To Ohuro V2 Leaked Download
You must be registered to see images About this game: Purin to Ohuro ('to ohuro' is another way to say と お風呂 also pronounced 'to opuro' which means 'and bath') is a game where a girl named 'Purin' is taking a bath and begins to angrily attack the player for peeping on her, and the player has the option of fighting back. If Purin defeats the player, the player will fall unconscious. If the player defeats Purin, she'll get out of the bath and running out the bathroom door, closing it, if the player hits her on her last HP she'll be knocked out. When Purin gets out the bath and the player punches her quick enough, she'll fall back into the bath unconscious (Possibly dead).. Be Careful!!! Played this a long time ago.
Pada zaman Meiji, seseorang tidak lagi diperbolehkan membawa pedang di jalanan.
She fights with a rhythm. Block her attacks. Right after she pulls her hand back, strike 1-2-3. She will block so don't hit the same area more than twice and vary the strength. If you keep hitting, you lose stamina which makes your hits ineffective. Focusing on her chest for a couple hits at a time to rip off the bikini helps because she will try to cover her breasts which makes her less effective as a fighter.
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I'd let her go on a flurry and she'll change expression. I'll strike 2 medium blows to her chest the charge a bit for a strong hit to the head. If she's dazed, I'll follow with more medium hits until I see her recover then start blocking. Rinse and repeat. You look up to block. When you don't see fingers, look down and strike. When she starts to hit, look up.
When she starts to cover her breasts, hit her in the head and beware the slaps. Watch the stamina bar and time your stikes. If you look at the R and L bars, you'll see 3 segments. Those segments correspond to strength of your strike or grope. If you use both right+left mouse buttons, it will either do a combo or a breast grab depending on where you are looking. For successful breast grabs, she needs be 'unguarded' by either leaving them briefly exposed or while she's in offense mode. A successful grope while she's striking will interrupt her strikes.
The aiming is a little finicky but with some playing, you can get a handle on where to look.