Referat Na Temu Klimat Velikobritanii Na Anglijskom Yazike

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Bus is a vehicle that carries passengers along streets and main roads. Millions of people depend on buses to transport them to and from school, shops, and work. Busses may seat as few as 8 passengers or as many as 70, with standing room for more.

Most buses run on diesel oil, petrol, or liquefied petroleum gas. Some buses called “articulated” consist of two sections that are connected by a flexible cover. The first buses were drawn by horses. In the early 1800’s, these vehicles became known as “omnibuses”, from a Latin word that means “for all”. In England, horse bus service began in the 1820’s. Buses driven by petrol engines first appeared in the 1890’s. The first of London’s famous double-decker buses, powered by a gasoline engine, was placed in service in 1904.

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English-made buses were introduced in New York City two years later. Shortly thereafter, American companies began producing buses. Electric trolley buses were used in England from 1911. Single- and double-decker motor buses became more popular from 1950’s. Al qari plus software free download mp3.

Poor roads and hard, solid tyres of early buses made early bus travel uncomfortable. But from the early 1900’s, improved roads and air-filled tyres made buses more comfortable. Bus services began to decline in industrial countries in the 1950’s as more people bought their own cars. But intercity buses today carry more passengers. Bus companies try to keep bus fares low, to make public transportation more popular with travellers. There are four chief kinds of bus services.

They are provided by intercity buses, local buses, school buses, and special buses. Intercity buses carry passengers and in some cases mail and packages between cities or towns. Trips between cities may be as short as an hour or as long as several days. In many countries, buses carry more passengers on long journeys than do trains. Some long-distance buses, also called coaches in the UK, are air-conditioned and have video entertainment, toilets, and refreshment facilities for passengers.

But in many parts of the world, bus travel is less luxurious, with passengers crowding on top of the vehicle as well as sitting inside. Local buses operate only within a specific area, such as the boundaries of a city or country. School buses carry students to and from school during the school year. Special buses include airport buses, charter buses, and tour buses. Airport buses operate between airports and such places as convention centers and hotels.

Charter buses are hired for group trips. Tour buses follow special routes to show local sights to visitors.

Some tour buses are hired by travel companies to take groups of tourists on holiday. In Europe, buses carrying tourists on “package tours” are a familiar sight. Buses have several advantages over other means of transportation. Buses cost less to operate and use less fuel to carry a passenger a given distance than do aeroplanes, cars, or trains. Buses are also safer than cars. In poorer countries, buses offer the cheapest form of motorized transportation.

Climate and Weather in Great Britain Weather is not the same as climate. The weather at a place is the state of the atmosphere there at a given time or over a short period. The weather of the British Isles is greatly variable. The climate of a place or region, on the other hand, represents the average weather conditions over a long period of time. The climate of any place results from the interaction of a number of determining factors, of which the most important are latitude, distance from the sea, relief and the direction of the prevailing winds.