Singer Sewing Machine Serial Numbers
Serial numbers for the years 1851 to 1870 are not available. Serial numbers on Singer sewing machines manufactured prior to 1900 are numbers only. After 1900, the machine serial numbers have a single or two-letter prefix.
ID Singer Machines Visit my eBay Store by clicking on the link above. This Website is best viewed with Sandman-Collectibles' Singer Sewing Machine Identification Template NOTE: To see a list of available Sewing Machine User Manuals. (Updated April 2018) From around the late 1950's on-ward, most Singer Sewing Machines had their Model Numbers clearly visible on the front or base of most machines. Prior to the late 1950's, most Singer machines DID NOT have the Model Number anywhere on the machine, thereby making it very difficult to identify.
Below is a simple procedure to help you identify your old cast metal Singer Sewing machines manufactured prior to 1960. Just answer the simple questions about your machine by clicking on the answer links and hopefully you will be able to identify it. There are pictures along the way to assist you. If you are unsuccessful you can email me with a clear picture of your machine and its serial number. Begin with question #1 and the answer links will take you to the next question which will appear near the top of your screen and may not necessarily be question 2.
Questions and answers will not necessarily follow a numerical sequence. Keep answering the questions via the answer links until your machine is identified. Have fun and Good Luck!! To begin and you will be taken to question 44. You have indicated that the Tension Adjustment Knob is on the Left Side of the Head pointing LEFT. You most likely have a Model 15 Series machine but there are several styles which we now have to determine. Check to see how your machine is powered and choose the answer that best describes how your machine is powered.
(a) using a motor. (b) such as Treadle, Hand-Crank, or Pulley. You have indicated that your machine is Electric Powered. The motor on your machine. Should be encased in a squarish type of housing. Check to see what drives the machine as it may be Belt-Driven or Gear-Driven. Is there a RUBBER BELT that connects the motor to the Hand-Wheel?
(a) my machine HAS a Rubber Drive Belt. (b) my machine does NOT have a Rubber Drive Belt. With NO Rubber Belt your machine is Gear-Driven and is the Singer Model 15-91. Congratulations you are now finished!
Look at the pictures below to confirm your machine's identity. If you need the manual for this machine OR require more information. You have indicated that your machine HAS a Rubber Drive Belt. Now open the slide plate and look at the Bobbin Case. Locate the Bobbin Position Finger and note in which direction it is pointing. Select the answer that best describes your Bobbin's position. (a) The Bobbin Finger points (11 o'clock position).
(b) The Bobbin Finger points (1 o'clock position). Congratulations, you have a Singer Model 15-90.
Look at the pictures below to confirm your machine's identity. You are now finished. If you need the manual for this machine OR require more information. Congratulations, you have a Singer Model 15-30. Look at the pictures below to confirm your machine's identity. You are now finished. If you need the manual for this machine OR require more information.
All the Non-Electrics are similar machines, we just have to determine if it is an early Model 15 or a later Model 15. This will be done by determining what PATH the thread takes when winding the bobbin. Does your machine have a small chrome colored wheel on the very front-right corner of the base? (a) my machine has this little wheel on the base. (b) my machine does NOT have this little wheel on the base. Without this little wheel the thread path is across the face of the machine from upper-left to upper-right making this an early Model 15 machine. Very popular with this style of machine was the 'Egyptian' style decals.
Congratulations you are now finished! Look at the pictures below to confirm your machine's identity. If you need the manual for this machine OR require more information. With this little wheel in the right corner of the base the thread path is diagonally across the front of the machine from upper-left to lower-right to the little chrome wheel and then vertically up to the bobbin winder making this a later Model 15 machine. If you have the Treadle it is a Model 15-96 and if it is Hand-Crank it is the Model 15-98. Congratulations you are now finished! Look at the pictures below to confirm your machine's identity.