Supercalc 55 Download
Versions of SuperCalc were later released for the Apple II family, for PCs running DOS, and, after Sorcim was bought by Computer Associates (CA) in the mid-1980s, for MS Windows (under the name CA-SuperCalc). You can free download SuperCalc 8.0 now. Supercalc 5.5 Download. 5/31/2017 0 Comments Floppy Emu Disk Emulator for Apple II, Macintosh, and Lisa. Bring new life to your old Apple computer! SuperCalc is a CP/M-80 spreadsheet application published by Sorcim in 1980. Visicalc was the first spreadsheet program but.

SuperCalc is a tool that performs a wide variety of mathematical operations. From basic addition and subtraction to complex financial and scientific calculations, SuperCalc is designed to suit the needs of any user. SuperCalc offers an easy-to-use interface and advanced features, such as the ability to toggle between a basic or scientific calculator, tape display, voice read back, point of sale mode that turns it into a cash register and full set of functions including over 50 pre-defined financial functions. SuperCalc consists of two windows: the Calculator and the Paper Tape.
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The bottom window, the Calculator, works like any normal calculator. Dogovor kupli prodazhi avtomobilya v estonii blank. If you want to press a button, simply click on it with the mouse or, alternatively, hit the appropriate key on your keyboard. The top window, the Paper Tape, displays a history of your calculations. You can also add notes to the Paper Tape and can print it for your records.