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Create professional-looking documents and reports or design marketing materials and presentations with popular Microsoft® Office® software and other Microsoft programs. Whether you are looking for the entire Microsoft Office Suite or extra programs like Publisher or Access, we carry a variety of software options to get the right software for your home or business. Be sure to review all of our additional, including. Versatile Software Packages It's easy to select just the right programs for your needs and budget.
You may want all of the most popular programs in a Microsoft Office software package, including Word®, Excel®, PowerPoint® and OneNote®. If you run a business, you can opt for an Office software package licensed for business use, which includes these programs as well as Outlook®. Students can find programs that meet their needs, or you can buy individual programs instead of the entire Office Suite. Additional Microsoft Programs In addition to popular programs from Microsoft Office, there are other programs designed to help with more specialized work.
Look for Microsoft Access to help you quickly build convenient apps for managing data, like contacts, customer billing or orders, without the need for programming knowledge. Design professional-looking marketing materials and publications with Microsoft Publisher. Create professional-looking diagrams to share with associates using Visio.
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Whatever needs your business has, Microsoft has programs to help you do your work more effectively and professionally.
Newer versions of Autodesk products are automatically. However, stand-alone perpetual license products (non-subscription) purchased in 2016 or earlier can be activated manually offline. If you have an education license and must be offline, you can also use this method to activate. Typical reasons for manual activation of perpetual license software include: • No internet access • Upgraded or reinstalled operating system • Changed request code • Modified computer hardware • Forced reactivation during troubleshooting Notes About Manual Activation • This manual activation method should not be used by subscribers: This manual activation workflow should only be used by those with a stand-alone, perpetual license or by students or educators with a stand-alone education license who do not have an active internet connection. Do not use this method for subscription software activation, which requires an active internet connection.
Using manual activation for anything other than stand-alone, perpetual licenses will cause unnecessary problems. • You need a valid serial number: You'll need a valid serial number and matching product key. Before starting, be sure to. • You need to generate a Request Code to get an Activation Code: When you enter your serial number during offline activation, you receive a.

You must supply both the Serial Number and Request Code to get an Activation Code. • Contact Us for Assistance: If you receive an 'Invalid Serial Number' error or encounter other issues with software activation, please for assistance. • Self-service options: see.