Ftx Global Vector V11
Marcellus Wallace said. I'm not so much concerned about the DX10 as much the uninstaller and the lack of clarity (or more pessimistically, the lack of honesty) from Orbx about what actually gets changed. I want a definitive list of files that are altered so I can back them up myself if I so desire. I've seen screenshots of popular airports like Aerosoft Madeira with patches of runway missing after FTX Global. Its obvious FTXG does a little more than replace textures. They need to come clean with it.
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Aug 09, 2016 Orbx Vector 1.40.great performance! Sign in to follow this. Orbx Vector 1.40.great performance! By Sesquashtoo, August 6, 2016 in The. I have never had a meandering and gorgeous river shore line using UT and FTX Global. I was a very 'open' critical thumb's down for Vector, for a number of reason when it was at v1.20, of.
I'm not going to risk the fragile balance of addons I have (including many other FTX products) without a genuine back-track route and total crystalline clarity about what exact files are changed on my computer. Butch Coolidge said. It amazes me how much this uninstaller thing gets drummed on. What started off as a couple of known ORBX bashers and/or competitors telling a few half-truths has just blown out of proportion. Holger has given a quite detailed process on how to uninstall global in the ORBX forums. I don't think Global alters any core FSX files without backing up at all, the only sources I've seen from this have been proven wrong (ie NickN's 'giudes' over at the Flight1 forums). Name another addon that has an uninstaller.
This is such a non-issue. Personally, I welcome the update and improvements very much! Though the chap above didn't express himself very constructively and also, though you are right DAndre about many cities, I personally really, really loved Orbx's own original interpretation of such lights in terms of colour/hue. They looked so special and characteristic of Orbx. Now the colour just reminds me of UTX, even if it can subjectively be argued to be more realistic of many cities.

The way Orbx originally imagined it just had such a fresh gorgeous look. Just cos some customers wanted them more orange, I wish they hadn't knee-jerked just cos many were silent because they loved the lights so much. I even started to fly at night more often, just to appreciate their originality. Like I say, I personally do gratefully welcome all the other improvements with the lighting system but personally would beg JV humbly to slightly roll back to perhaps a compromise hue or something between the yellowish and orange (i.e. Singer sewing machine serial numbers and dates. Not quite such a deep orange), just enough for them to keep that unique Orbx colour/look about them and not just the same old boring UTX-like orange.
An Orbx orange, not a deep UTX orange, I guess. Please, please, please keep some originality and uniqueness of your own yellowy orange hue/colour JV! Customers all have their own preference of hue but I've been following the forums and only a handful of people asked for this, suggesting many, many more were quiet because they simply loved your own colour and found them realistically immersive and so beautiful. I'm almost scared of patching to lose the colour of those lights and I was even just about to buy a second copy of FTX Global for another sim just cos of those gorgeous lights. Please, please, please compromise on the colour of the orange in the final patch so the majority can be content, unless there's a way of adding a control option to FTX Central or something to offer some basic choice of yellow/orange coloured lights? That's just my personal feedback only which I simply hadn't previously given because I found the light colours so perfect and therefore had no need to but now.I guess I need to. Please don't 'knee-jerk' too hard, if its possible.by all means, try to cater for all by a compromise though.